Summer tips for your dog
Summer tips for your dog. Hot weather and sun exposure can cause a lot of unpleasant damage, and this poses special risks to your dog as well. Make sure our tips become the routine of the day during this summer period. Here are some Summer tips for your dog | Risks from high temperatures If your dog stays out in the yard on a hot day, make sure he has a shady spot to rest on his boxing glove. Never leave your dog in a locked vehicle on a hot day. The temperature inside a car can rise to over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes. Always provide plenty of cool, freshwater. Avoid exercises during the days when the days are extremely hot. Take it and walk with it early in the morning or evening, when the heat of the sun is less intense. Try to avoid prolonged exposure to hot asphalt or sand, as it can burn your dog's paws. Dogs that are ‘brachycephalic’, such as Bulldogs, boxers, Pekingese, etc., have difficulty in high temperatures with the respiratory organs compared to long-haired dog...