
Showing posts from October, 2020

This Is What It Means When Your Dog Puts Their Paw On You, According to an Expert

Dogs show their feelings very subtly and with their body language. This is what your dog means when the dog puts their paw on you: Anger, fear, love, trust - whil8e we humans can communicate our feelings and thoughts to one another with words, dogs have to resort to facial expressions and gestures. This can sometimes be quite difficult because people often do not know what the body language of their animal means. Therefore we want to enlighten you: Do you know what your dog means when he puts a paw on you? The gesture is not always clear. There are a total of four things your dog wants to tell you with the gesture. Based on the situation, you will be able to see what it is and take care of it accordingly ... 1st possibility: "Protect me" The raised paw could be a signal that the dog is feeling stressed. He is insecure and wants to be supported. The gesture never comes alone if your dog feels threatened. Smacking noises, yawning or big ears are other features that you need to


THEREFORE, YOUR PET SHOULDN'T SLEEP IN BED WITH YOU You probably know this look too well: While you get ready for bed in the evening and slip between the blankets, you get this longing look. Your four-legged friend would love to share your bed, warm to you at night, be close to you. Sigh. "Come on, come here." And zap, you already have a hairy bed neighbour. But is that a good idea? The debate about whether cats and dogs should sleep with us in bed has been going on for decades - and yet no definitive answer has been found. A lot speaks for it, a lot against it. From a purely scientific point of view, there is only one answer, and that is: No, you shouldn't let your pet sleep in a bed. Maybe you look very indignant now. And of course, there are also good reasons for doing exactly the opposite and cuddling with your four-legged friend at night - because sharing a bed does not strengthen your bond as much. As a result, you both develop great trust in each other and gai


Many dog ​​owners may have heard of it before, but is it really true? Why Do dogs wink? And why do the four-legged friends even do that? For many people, dogs are a great substitute for human closeness, even if they never admit it. At first, that's not a problem, because of course we all only want the best for our four-legged friend and we lovingly take care of their well-being! There are some things that you should definitely leave behind, because there are certain things that a dog cannot suffer at all . Some dog owners may even go so far as to wonder whether they should give the dog raw meat to eat or not . But apart from the food   , have you ever noticed your dog winking? Wink at a dog? No kidding, there are even reasons a dog would do this: Are you just imagining it Why do dogs wink ? Some dog owners humanize the dog to the utmost. The dog is not only dressed in clothes, but a seat at the table is cleared for the four-legged friend. During a meal together, the day together is


Even our four-legged friends are not always doing as well as they look. The signs suggest your dog is in pain: 6 SIGNS YOUR DOG IS IN PAIN Source In order to enable our furry friends to live an optimal life with us, we particularly like to look after them and want to do them good. With a bit of luck, our dog is doing so well that it will get particularly old, like Jennifer and Steve Hetterscheidt's Golden Retriever. So far he is one of the oldest Goldie in the whole world ! Jennifer and Steve are sure to have taken long walks with their lovely four-legged friend and given him plenty of exercise , after all, this is particularly important with dogs! After a long walk, the dog will stretch all fours, but be careful,  the signs indicate that he is really in pain:  1 Your dog is breathing hard  If your dog is breathing quickly and shallowly, or panting particularly hard, this could be a sign that he is in pain. However, when you come home from a long walk, wait 15 minutes for your dog


You have a new dog and you just don't know what to call her? Here are some beautiful and original female dog names. Don't we know what to call our lovely? There are so many  names for female dogs  that can do for us! When we adopt an animal, dog, or cat, the choice of name is very important because it is what will identify it for life. Classic  names, movie names, or special and original names, there are so spoiled for choice that it is easy to panic because we do not know which one to bet on. Often it takes a glance to understand what name to give to our dog but when we are undecided we risk taking weeks to decide. The web fortunately comes to our rescue and we can find many  nice and interesting ideas  to choose one. The important thing is that it is the perfect one! So here is a small list of beautiful and original female dog names that can help us when we don't know which fish to catch. How to choose the name of the dog: some advice Adopting a dog is a huge responsibil

What to do When My cat Pees all over the Place .

What to do When My cat Pees all over the Place .Little cats are famous for their extreme cleanliness, yet some cats just don't seem to want to understand this and continue to pee in inappropriate places: here's what to do! My cat pees all over the place If you find yourself in the situation where  your cat pees everywhere  except in the litter box, and you often find unpleasant surprises  on the bed  ,  on the sofa  or  on the floor  , you have probably lost your temper and scolded him: stop immediately, increase his stress will only make the situation worse! It may seem strange, but  cat pee  is a real communication tool: your cat uses it to communicate that something is wrong and send you precise messages. So yeah: there's always a reason  your cat pees out of the litter box . The point is to figure out which one, so you can fix it at the root and get rid of this nuisance. Forget sprays and similar "cat deterrents" that would only be able to convince him to pee


Are all dogs good keepers? Not really, some breeds are more likely to perform this task No doubt they are man's best friends but are the  dogs all good guardians?  The answer is "ni. The dog has always accompanied the man in different areas of life, initially he was tamed for work. A process that started about 15,000 years ago and today has left us  many different dog breeds, each with special attitudes. Over time the various breeds have been selected and perfected to fulfill a task and it is only from a few hundred years that the dog has become part of the family as a simple companion. Therefore there are dogs that are great for the guard,others that are excellent defense dogs as well as dogs that are trained for hunting. Today we also have breeds of dogs employed and trained for  rescue at sea or for the search  and recovery of the missing in the event of natural and non-natural disasters. By that we do not mean that all dogs are good guardians or that none of them are. By n


Love, mutual trust and the development of important interaction skills. Growing up with the dog can give the children an extra edge. Building a bond that in most cases is bound to become inseparable and can prove to be a real opportunity.  Growing up with the dog  for the little ones can be an extra step to benefit even in adult life. There are several researches that confirm how important direct contact between male puppies and a dog is. For the child, having an animal to look after can become an unsuspecting source of learning. He has the opportunity to learn how to take care of others, to interact, to observe, to respect the times of those around him. To acquire, in one word, empathy. In this sense, the importance of dog therapy, as known in the case of diseases such as autism, developmental disorder, childhood depression, adaptation difficulties, motor problems, neurological disorders or learning, should be remembered. Loving an animal can help to love others and ourselves: a fund

20 reasons to have a dog in our life

Why Everyone Needs a Dog : 20 Reasons Dogs are really man's best friends: kind, funny, and caring; they take care of us as often humans can't do. Don't you believe it? Try to see the video of Himalaya,  the dog that moved the web. The  reasons for having a dog in our lives are many: we have identified 20 of them , among the most curious and interesting. Of course, there are many more 1. They are so innocent Next Page A sauce, a small piece of wood, a pine pie, a ball, and even the most serious adult dog, loses its dignity and starts playing. A dog that loves you sees you from afar and launches itself into a broken race that ends in a festive and drooling embrace that melts the heart for its spontaneity and purity. Not to mention when they lie in front of your belly up, with their paws in front a little bent and those under open, in a gesture of total trust and request of caresses and love. Dogs don't judge; they don't calculate, they don't evaluate, they love y


WHY IS MY DOG ​​SNEEZING? It will have happened that your dog sneezes in an unusual situation that has prompted you to wonder  why the dog sneezes  , in fact most of the time the dog sneeze occurs for reasons other than those of humans. WHY IS MY DOG ​​SNEEZING? There are some dogs more predisposed to sneezing, those belonging to the brachycephalic breeds, such as the English Bulldog, the Pug or the Boxer. Here are the most likely explanations for dog sneezing. Sneezing and dog health One of the most common situations in which humans sneeze is an allergic reaction. This symptom could also occur in dogs but generally for Fido the allergic symptoms are different. Much more likely a dog that is allergic will try to find relief from the itch caused by allergens by nibbling or the dog scratches itself persistently. However, there are conditions closely related to health that explain why a dog sneezes. Nasal infections One health condition that can cause dogs to sneeze are  nasal infections