
Showing posts from November, 2020


Protecting your dog from mosquitoes is essential because a simple sting can transmit serious infectious diseases such as heartworm. Especially in summer, it is crucial to  protect the dog from mosquitoes  because a simple sting can be a severe problem for his health. Insects, in general, are not dangerous, but there is little to joke with mosquitoes, especially with the recently introduced species in our habitats. Bites are always around the corner at home, especially when we go for a walk  in the park or the gardens  and on vacation and the street. Protecting the dog from mosquitoes does not only mean avoiding an annoying itch; it means, first of all, averting the danger of dangerous infections and diseases. Mosquito bites: risks and dangers for the dog We must protect our dog from mosquitoes and their bites because they hide so many risks for his health. Mosquitoes are  present practically all over the world , and if before in Italy there was only the most common strain, today much m

Pug Dog

How can there be so much beauty in such a small body? The  Pug  is a  very quiet and affectionate  dog , particularly close to those who take care of him. In addition to having a look that bewitches almost everyone, he is a perfect dog for living in small apartments. The  Pug  is a very special breed of dog. If we were to define it in two words, we could say that it is a "bonsai mastiff". In our country this dog dates back to the times of the ancient Romans and Pliny the Younger defined it as  multum in parvo  which in Latin means "very little", that is,  a large dog in a small body  . This dog breed needs a lot of company as they are very playful animals that if they are alone they could develop separation anxiety . Therefore, it is not recommended to adopt a Pug in a family with very young children as the dog may not be getting all the attention it needs to be happy. On the other hand, if it is a home where there are slightly older children, the Pug could be perfe

Newfoundland Dog

The Newfoundland is a  beautiful, large, yet quiet dog  . It is normally black in color although there are brown and white versions with black spots. He is genuinely loving and protective of the people he loves and is very patient with children. The Newfoundland dog in addition to being cute is an excellent  rescue dog  , he has saved the lives of many people throughout history. He is undoubtedly a fantastic swimmer. The Newfoundland comes from Canada and is known as "the gentle giant". He is one of the  largest and  most  generous  dogs in existence and if you are thinking of adopting one, you will certainly not be disappointed and we are sure you will fall in love with his fidelity, sweetness and cheerfulness. Although there are many myths related to the breed, in this AnimalPedia fact sheet about the  Newfoundland  dog we explain to you what are its true origins, character, physical characteristics, the needs to be healthy and many other curiosities about this splendid ani

Chow Chow Dog

The Chow Chow is perhaps the highest contender for being a plush dog. In some photos it could really mix with a huge wad of cloth. This breed normally has a color between orange and reddish, but there are also black or cream specimens. The most characteristic thing about the Chow Chow is its  tongue which has a truly unique color  : between blue and black. He is a dog a bit shy but very loyal to his family, with little need for physical exercise, but which needs a bit of effort to be educated. What do you think, is he the perfect dog for you? The Chow Chow is probably one of the best known and most loved Chinese dog breeds in our country. Mistakenly, there are those who call this dog Ciu Ciu, but the correct spelling of the blue tongue dog is as follows:  Chow Chow  . If you are thinking of getting a dog of this breed or you already have one, in this AnimalPedia tab you will find a lot of interesting information such as the history and origins of this dog, how to train it, what are the

The most beautiful dogs in the world

Page 1 of 17 The most beautiful dogs in the world Premise: all dogs are beautiful Before we start with the long list of the most beautiful dogs, we must first say that this is a personal interpretation, so there is no need to be angry if you don't see your dog included in the list. All dogs are beautiful and full of love and attention to offer you. Therefore, do not imprint your adoption on the dog's physical appearance. This option allows you to save a life and with a good chance your pet will be grateful to you for the rest of his days. Continue in next page to see one by one.. --->> Next Page〉〉 1. Staffordshire Bull Terrier Back Next Page〉〉 Page 2 of 17 We finish the list of the most beautiful dogs with a breed that unfortunately is considered dangerous in some countries, but the truth is that its  tremendously affectionate  character makes it the ideal dog for any home. Moreover, its peculiar and slightly muscular appearance make it the perfect choice for those who w

Samoyed Dog

he Samoyed is one of the most popular  Russian dog breeds  in the world. Its white, spongy and dense coat is very popular with dog lovers. In addition, this dog shows a very special and sociable character, perfect for active families and with children or adolescents. If you are thinking of adopting a Samoyed or if you already have one, in this card you can find out a lot about the characteristics of this splendid specimen. Later you can learn  everything about the Samoyed dog  : Origins of the Samoyed The  human tribes  of Samoyed inhabited the territory between the north-east of Siberia and Central Asia. These nomadic peoples depended on their dogs to lead the herd of reindeer and assist them, protect themselves from predators and hunt. They also slept together with their beloved dogs to keep warm. The dogs of the southernmost regions were black, white and brown, and had a more independent temperament. The dogs of the northern regions had very white hair and were more docile. These do

Pomeranian Dog

This dog breed is a walking furball. It is hilarious to see him running as his fur tends to go backward. If you meet a Pomeranian with a completely white coat on a winter's day, you might mistake him for a snowman. The Pomeranian is renowned for being an  extremely affectionate  dog as well as being so cute and cuddly. The  Pomeranian  dog breed, also called the  Pomeranian  Volpino, is a mini or toy dog. Many people choose to adopt this longhaired little dog because he is hypoallergenic, very intelligent, and has a loving and noble character. Undoubtedly it is a companion who will bring joy and happiness to the family. This Spitz-type dog has  European origins , and perhaps this is why it is trendy today in countries such as Spain, the UK, and Germany. History of the Pomeranian The Pomerania was born in an ancient  duchy called Pomerania , which was located between Germany and Poland. Unlike the current Pomeranian, the first specimens were much more extensive. They were mainly use