
Showing posts from December, 2020

7 signs your dog is bored

7 signs my dog is bored We all try to understand  what is going on in our dog's head  at all times . Until the Chinese have perfected their useless invention of the "dog-man translator", the only thing to do is  to carefully observe the dog  to try to better understand his state of mind. Here are 7 clues that point out dogs that are bored and need something to do. The dog is not an ornament, and he absolutely needs a stimulating life that is respectful of his nature. Don't forget that some of these behaviors can also be signs of stress or separation anxiety. A consultation with a dog trainer can help you determine the cause of your dog's behavior. -->>> Next Page〉〉 Page 1 of 8 1) Destructive behavior Back Next Page〉〉 Page 2 of 8 Eat sofas, shoes, cushions, walls and dig holes in the garden? Your dog could be terribly bored. Too much energy in the body and too little stimulation is a lethal mix for your furniture. Chewing or destroying something is an acti

10 signs your dog is happy

Signs your dog is happy "How do I know that my beloved dog is okay?". "How do I know that I am doing everything right when dealing with my dog ​​and that he has a beautiful life with me that makes him completely happy?" These are questions that many dog ​​owners ask themselves. By the way, dogs only learned to smile from humans. Barring your teeth is even considered a sign of aggression among wolves. Today's dog has adapted so much to its masters and mistresses that it also uses showing teeth as a greeting signal. Here we show you a few of the unmistakable signs that give a lot of information about whether your dog feels right at home with you and with his life. --->> Next Page〉〉 1. The rod swings  Back Next Page〉〉 Page 1 of 10 If the dog is happy, its tail swings from left to right and describes an approximately 120-degree angle. In dogs with short or docked tails or with rolled tails, the base of the tail is significant. With the canine colleagues who ha