
Showing posts from February, 2021

Why do dogs eat poop

You may have seen your dog eat poop once. Why do they do it?  Why do dogs eat poop ? Of each and every disgusting habit that our canine companions have, drinking from the toilet, rolling in the mud of the quagmire, licking their butt, etc, nothing beats the disgusting practice of eating poop. There is a scientific name for this habit: coprophagia (kop-ruh-fey-jee-uh), and also  behavioral and physiological reasons  why certain dogs view manure as a delicacy. If you have a poop eater, don't despair; there are ways to discourage the habit. The truth is that it has not been deeply investigated by science, there are few studies in this regard, eating poop is a relatively common phenomenon. In 2012 research presented at the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior annual conference, scholars led by Dr. Benjamin Hart of the University of California, Davis, found that: Hart wrote: "Our conclusion is that eating fresh feces is a reflection of an  innate predisposition of ancestr

Puppy shots. Are they mandatory, when to get them?

If we are going to live with a dog, vaccines are one of the veterinary actions that we must implement as a preventive routine, whether our partner is a puppy or an adult. Regardless of whether you live inside or outside the home. There are ignorance and mistrust around vaccines, which leads to losing sight of the vital importance they have in the  prevention of deadly diseases . Below we clarify all doubts and present the recommended Puppy shots schedule. How do vaccines work? To understand how vaccines work, start by reviewing some basic immunology concepts. When an animal becomes ill,  its immune system creates defenses  , known as antibodies, against the invading antigen. This process serves to fight disease and, very importantly, to create an immune memory. This allows that, in a second contact with the same pathogen, the organism reacts quickly, thus minimizing the disease. The problem is that the most serious pathologies can cause the animal to  die on first contact  . In this wa

Most expensive dog breeds

Surely you have ever seen the largest dog in the world, or the smallest, either in photo, video or through the Guinness Book of Records. But in addition to their size, character or obedience ... some dogs also become famous for their peculiar price. So which is the Most expensive dog breeds in the world? Most expensive dog breeds Before giving you more information about the most expensive dog in the world, we want to express our total disagreement with the sale of animals. It does not seem fair to us that they raise dogs for sale while in kennels and shelters they are saturated with dogs looking for a home. So we strongly insist that you adopt dogs, not buy them. In municipal and animal protection kennels, you will find purebred dogs and mongrel dogs, you can adopt them for free, paying only for their mandatory vaccinations and identification chip (these expenses vary depending on the country of residence). Why pay for a dog when we can adopt one for free? There are millions of dogs

Can dogs drink milk?

It is very curious to observe the very contradictory opinions that are obtained when looking for information on whether a dog drinks milk. Some indicate that they can not only drink milk but that it is also recommended, while  others indicate that it is not a good idea . The truth is that they are all a bit right whenever we talk about adult dogs since puppies require more specialized care. We are going to review when a dog can drinks cow milk and how careful we should be. Table of contents What is milk? What problems can give milk to a dog? Can dogs drink milk? Can puppies drink cow’s milk? What is the best milk for a dog? Can a dog eat dairy? What is milk? Milk is a liquid secreted by the mammary glands of mammals for feeding their young. The form in which much of the energy it contains comes in a disaccharide called lactose, formed by the union of two monosaccharides: glucose and galactose. Beverages made from legumes and cereals such as soybeans, oats or almonds are not considered

How much food should my dog eat?

One of the first questions that come to mind when having a dog is: How much food should my dog eat? It is a very obvious question with an answer that is not so obvious since it depends on many different factors. If you spend a few minutes with us, you will learn how to calculate the amount of food for your dog in the best possible way and in a personalized way. Table of contents How much food should my dog eat? How many times a day should I feed him? Physical exercise and diet Food optional or free Why is it not recommended feeding them only once a day? What happens if my dog ​​gets fat or loses weight? Pathological situations How much food should my dog eat? The answer will vary depending on the diet the animal receives. If it is a commercial product, whether it is dry, wet, dehydrated or whatever, by law the dosage must be registered on the product. However, this dosage guideline is for animals in maintenance or growth in case it is a valid product for this vital phase.  It does not

Symptoms of diabetes in dogs

Dogs and humans are much more alike than we usually think. And unfortunately, that means that we also share some diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2. This disease is characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. Next, we are going to detail what symptoms of diabetes in dogs should make us suspect that our dog has this pathology. It is very important that we seek veterinary assistance to balance glucose and avoid the complications derived from its increase. Table of contents What is diabetes in dogs? What dogs can suffer from diabetes? Some Symptoms of diabetes in dogs What is diabetic ketoacidosis? How is diabetes diagnosed? Treatment of diabetes in dogs Insulin administration precautions Diet and diabetes Obesity in diabetic dogs Lean diabetic dogs What is the relationship between sterilization and diabetes? Prognosis of diabetes in dogs Diabetes monitoring What is diabetes in dogs? Diabetes is a common disease in dogs. It can be type 1 or type 2: Insulin-dep

Symptoms of cancer in dogs

Cancer is a disease that affects numerous dogs each year, becoming  one of the leading causes of canine death  today. There are many types of cancer, and not all of them are life-threatening. As their name indicates, they will all be malignant tumors, so it is important to know how to detect them and start appropriate treatment. The symptoms of cancer in dogs will be varied depending on their location. However, we should always go to a veterinary clinic, so they can confirm the location and prognosis.  Table of contents Symptoms of cancer in dogs. Clinical signs of external tumors in dogs Clinical signs of internal tumors in dogs Common symptoms in dogs with cancer How to prevent cancer Symptoms of cancer in dogs. Clinical signs of external tumors in dogs A good proportion of cancer that affects dogs will be detectable by physical examination. These  will be mostly skin cancer  . What we will find will be masses on the skin or subcutaneous. These tumors can be more or less adherent, ha

My dog ​​has been bitten. What should I do?

The first response and action in the face of this type of event should be to contact the veterinarian, after agreeing on the situation with the owner of the dog that has bitten ours. It is a very common emergency in veterinary centers and  always requires special attention  because depending on the severity of the attack, you will need one treatment or another. From ScoobyDog we tell you in detail what to do if our dog is bitten. Table of contents Bites and gravity Symptoms Treatment Bites and gravity Each bite is a different case depending on the severity (depth and extent) and the bite area. However, they all have one characteristic in common, and that is that the mouth (and more specifically the saliva) of dogs, like that of humans,  is full of bacteria  . The bacteria most commonly found in canine saliva are Actinomyces, Streptococcus, and Granulicatella species, among others. In addition, dog teeth usually have some degree of plaque . Plaque develops from saliva, bacteria, cells i