Is your dog stressed out? Here's what to do!

There are many possible causes of stress for a dog: let's find out how to recognize the symptoms and solve the problem!

If your dog is stressed

Have you ever thought that you punished your dog for things he had no control over? Sometimes it happens to mistake the symptoms of stress for behaviors to correct and it is certainly not for lack of love towards your furry friend: there are many factors that we do not notice that can be a cause for nervousness for your dog .

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Tight times for walks, noises, the inability to move freely and run, meeting other dogs with a leash limit, long hours spent indoors alone, for example, can make the dog stressed.. The dog, in fact, is forced to adapt to the commitments and changes in the life of the human companion, such as the presence of new members in the family, removals or trips for holidays . In addition, the owner's nervousness and emotional state are reflected in the animal and are perceived more than we can imagine.

In short, there are many situations that can end up causing stress to your dog and this can also result in behavioral disorders, aggression or phobias.
Of course, not all types of agitation are negative: think of your dog's arousal when you throw a ball at him or when he receives a treat for following a command, these are situations that we can define as "positive stress". The same dynamics, however, if exasperated, can become a cause of stress and discomfort: imagine too rigid and demanding training or an excess of external stimuli to which the dog is unable to respond.
In short, the most important thing is not to underestimate the symptoms, recognize the causes of your puppy's stress and solve the problem. Let's see how!

If your dog is stressed: the symptoms

Is your dog stressed or nervous or has he developed unusual behaviors? It may show the classic symptoms of stress ! Recognizing the signs is essential to solve the problem, let's try to list the typical clues that reveal if a dog is stressed :

  • Hyperactivity . I stressed dogs often can not rest easy, they are always on the move and could bite furniture and objects to release tension.
  • Exaggerated reactions . A stressed dog tends to extreme his reactions, if he barks or does anything else much more than usual, it could be a sign!
  • Repetitive movements . The so-called stereotypies identify the psychology of the dog as well as that of man and are repetitive and incessant habits that seem to have no purpose. An example could be the constant biting of the tail.
  • Abnormal salivation . If your dog produces a lot more saliva than usual, don't underestimate it! It could be a sign of stress.
  • Inattention . A stressed dog is nervous and not attentive to the commands he receives.
  • Wheezing . One of the most common symptoms that stressed dogs show is that they are breathing heavily in situations where they should be calm and have not made any effort.
  • Aggression and escape . A stressed dog is restless in the face of any unknown situation and can react by running away or attacking, depending on his nature.
  • Loss of hair . If your dog sheds hair or even pulls it out with his teeth, he may have gotten into a chronic stressful situation . Take it to a specialist now!
  • Muscle stiffness . Does your dog frequently assume the typical posture of waiting for something to happen from one second to the next? This is one of the easiest canine stress symptoms to identify!
  • Unusual behavior . You know your dog better than anyone. The best way to understand if he is stressed is to notice that, in general, he is increasingly behaving differently from his usual way of relating.

The causes that stressed your dog

As we mentioned, there are many possible causes of stress for a dog . It is not easy to list every single situation that can generate nervousness and discomfort in your furry friend, so let's try to clarify first of all what are the fundamental conditions for a dog to be well and have the opportunity to be happy:

  • Adequate nutrition;
  • A physical environment suited to his needs;
  • Absence of injury or disease;
  • Freedom of expression;
  • Freedom from fear.

By respecting these needs, you know that you are giving your dog a good life. But it is not always easy to protect him from fears. In fact, even if your dog has what he needs he can develop a malaise. For example: one of the main causes of dog stress is poor socialization. If your furry friend has not learned to relate to people, animals and the external environment, he will develop fears and insecurities that can give him serious problems.
Other common causes of canine stressthese are previous traumas from which you may not have been able to protect him because you had not yet adopted him. Being attacked, abandoned, having lost the owner are situations that deeply disturb a dog and generate stress that is difficult to drive away. In other cases, however, longer walks may be enough to relax your dog.

If your dog is stressed. The remedies

If you've recognized the symptoms of stress in your dog , it's time to make them go away!
The first important thing to make your furry friend feel comfortable is to let go of punishments and harsh reprimands that would only end up increasing his illness. Better fight the wrong behaviors by using rewards and providing correct outbursts to his instincts. Furthermore, there is no point in forcing him to face his fears, you have to proceed step by step. If he does not like encounters with other dogs, for example, take him to uncrowded places and choose different areas a little at a time, he will start looking for contact when will feel ready.

Cuddlesand massages are always an effective remedy: give your dog all the affection it needs and, when you play together, choose quieter activities such as olfactory research. Finally, as we have mentioned, among the most effective remedies for your dog 's stress there is certainly the time you spend with him on beautiful walks. A walk of at least 30/60 minutes a day will be a panacea for his mood and, while walking, let him smell freely and without tension.

With the right precautions it can take less than a month to get rid of the stressfrom your friends life. But of course each case is different. If your dog seems to suffer from chronic stress or have particular phobias. The best thing is to get help from a professional to help him overcome any trauma!

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