Pomeranian: Characteristics, History, Care Tips, and Helpful Information for Pet Owners

The Pomeranian (Pomeranian) counts itself among the small dogs to those with particularly low height. It grows to a maximum of 22 centimeters, but the tiny one has it all.

Anyone who buys a Miniature Spitz gets an extremely lively companion who is both affectionate and independent. He always seems to be on the move, which is why he would like to be busy always and everywhere. He is also a very loyal and devoted dog who prefers to spend the entire time with his people. It is therefore all the more important to teach him from an early age to spend a few hours alone, because the Pomeranian does not appreciate that so much because of its fixation on humans.

He loves to play and always learn new tricks with which he can please his or her mistress. This makes the pomeranian one of the dog breeds that are particularly easy to train and learn very quickly. However, owners of this lively fellow should not be particularly sensitive to noise, as the pomeranian likes to bark often. On the one hand, to indicate when an unauthorized person is approaching property or a house. The little one is an excellent watchdog and was used in earlier centuries to look after the house and yard. On the other hand, the pomeranian expresses joy with barking and sometimes barks for outsiders without any recognizable reason. But it is also a matter of upbringing to get the dog to limit its noisy expressions to a socially acceptable level.

He needs a strict hand anyway, as he can be very persistent and obstinate to the point of ignoring all orders. Even as a puppy, it should be used to other pets. Otherwise he could behave in this respect, as well as with strangers, repellent. In general, he feels more comfortable with older children than with small children, where he can take a bite from time to time. If you familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the pomeranian and observe them, the pomeranian is very sociable.

He bears the name Pomeranian (or Pom for short) in other countries and mainly in Great Britain, because the famous white lace, an international export hit, was bred in Pomerania.

The most important thing about the Pomeranian

  • Dwarfs are generally suspicious of strangers and show this by barking loudly.
  • It is not that easy to get a Pomeranian house trained. This requires a lot of patience and training.
  • The dwarf spitz are domestic dogs and should never be kept in an outdoor kennel. Their biggest problem in this regard is their sensitivity to heat. They can get heat stroke easily, which is why at the slightest sign of overheating they should be moved to the shade or, even better, indoors.
  • Very small or extremely lively children should never play with a Pomeranian unsupervised, as it can be easily injured if they play too hard.
  • Also when walking, caution is advised because of the small size of the Pomeranian. Such small dogs are popular prey for birds of prey and other animal hunters.
  • Animal trappers are also interested in small, cute dogs, which is why Pomeranians should not be left unattended in an open garden.
  • Although the Pomeranian is very small, it seems that at times it feels like a big dog that no one can harm. His owner has to compensate for this overconfidence by being careful not to provoke other dogs too much.
  • As Pomeranians get old, they sometimes get bald patches on their fur.

Breed characteristics

Strictly speaking, the Pomeranian (dwarf spitz) is not a separate breed, but a miniature version of the German spitz and is a maximum of 22 centimeters tall with a maximum weight of 3.5 kilograms. Its long, thick fur can be white, sandy, black, cream, or a combination of two colors.

The character

Reluctance is something the Pomeranian doesn't know at all. Rather, the smart, extroverted dog is always at the forefront and tends to be overconfident. Since he messes with big dogs again and again, he seems to think of himself as much bigger than he actually is. It is therefore an ongoing task for his owners to keep him from provoking larger dogs, which he does practically at every opportunity.

But that does not mean that the pomeranian is unsympathetic - on the contrary. He is very bright and curious and likes to make new friends. As a rule, he gets along very well with other animals. He just has to somehow internalize the scale.

It is also a big task for its owners to keep the temperament of the Pomeranian in check, because that keeps getting through with him. It is of course nice when a dog is so active and lively, but the pomeranian never ends on its own. From his point of view, he could continue his loud barking, which makes him an excellent watchdog, all day. Of course, this gets on your nerves at some point and also causes problems with the neighbors.

It is therefore particularly important to teach the Pomeranian early on to stop barking when ordered. Since he is also very smart, it is not a problem for him to understand everything, he just may not always feel like doing it. It is advisable to pay close attention to all puppies at the breeder. Everyone has their own personality, and you shouldn't necessarily choose the biggest bully in the litter, especially with the dwarf spitz.

If you have the little Pomeranian at home, you should start raising it immediately. For inexperienced dog owners, it is advisable to visit a puppy school, where the four-legged friend (and also the dog owner) learns the most important things. From the start, the puppy should also be faced with situations that will occur more frequently in his future life. Owners who receive a lot of visitors should get it used to other people early. He should also soon be socialized with other animals and people he meets on walks. This will gradually develop his social skills.

Notes on care

Dogs of this breed have a long, lush top coat and a thick undercoat. It needs frequent brushing and is very hairy. Dog owners who love cleanliness must use the vacuum cleaner at least once a day.

Racial Diseases

Pomeranians, like all pedigree dogs, are prone to some specific diseases. You do not necessarily have to be affected, but before buying a Pomeranian you should have a health certificate confirmed that it is not affected by hereditary eye and heart diseases, hip dysplasia (HD), elbow dysplasia (ED), patellar luxation (PL) and deafness is.

  • Allergies . The Pomeranian may have food, contact, or environmental allergies. It is suspicious if the dog is constantly licking its paws or rubbing its face. The veterinarian can perform appropriate tests.
  • Eye diseases . Pomeranians have very sensitive eyes and are therefore prone to "dry eye", keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), conjunctivitis and cataracts (cataracts). If left untreated, these problems can lead to blindness, which is why you should see a veterinarian if you notice anything unusual.
  • Epilepsy . If a Pomeranian has epilepsy, it will show up in seizures. The vet may, however, prescribe soothing medication.
  • Hip dysplasia . This deformation of the hip joint depends on many factors such as heredity, environmental influences and diet. Affected Pomeranians can often lead a normal, largely symptom-free life. If not, an operation can ultimately help.
  • Legg-CalvĂ©-Perthes disease: This misalignment of the hip joint can either be hereditary or caused by an injury. At the beginning there is a circulatory disorder in parts of the head of the thigh, as a result of which these gradually die off. This causes the femur bone to lose stability, collapse and deform. This results in arthritis or inflammation of the hip joint. Physiotherapy or surgery can provide relief for many affected dogs.
  • Patellar luxation . This painful knee joint inflammation, which occurs mainly in small breeds of dogs, is a dislocation of the kneecap (patella) that hurts with every step, which is why the dogs do not put any strain on the affected leg and fall into a three-legged run. Treatment is medication, but more often surgery is possible.
  • Tracheal collapse . In this disease, the windpipe (trachea) collapses because the supporting cartilage braces are too weak. The most noticeable symptom is a chronic, dry, hard cough that sounds very uncomfortable. A tracheal collapse can be treated with drugs or surgery.
  • Dental problems . Pomeranians are very susceptible to tooth and gum disease which, if left untreated, can also lead to the loss of teeth. A regular professional dental check is advisable.

The evolution of the Pomeranians

As the English name suggests, Pomeranians originally come from Pomerania and are one of the oldest dog breeds. It is considered a subspecies of the German Spitz, but other breeds such as the Schipperke , the Norwegian elk dog or the American Eskimo dog may also play a role . The exact origin of the breed is in the dark, but a lady of the high nobility is said to have made a decisive contribution to it.

In the 18th century, the 17-year-old Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz married the future King George III of England. She is said to have had white lace delivered to the English court by Pomerania. Today's dwarf lace is said to have been bred from them in the following decades. However, they only achieved their high level of popularity under Charlotte's granddaughter, Queen Victoria of England.

Victoria was a real dog lover and bred more than 15 different dog breeds. In 1888 she discovered the Pomeranians for herself, but not in her native England, but during a trip to Italy. In Florence she bought several dwarf lace, including the famous Marco and the dog Gina.

At that time, the Pomeranians were no longer to be found exclusively in aristocratic circles as before, but enjoyed increasing popularity in other social classes and were bred in the USA from then on. English breeders felt encouraged to breed smaller and smaller Pomeranians, which led to the later breed standard. From the 20th century, the color palette of the dwarf lace expanded, whose fur was initially mainly white, black, chocolate brown or blue.

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