
Showing posts from March, 2021

Kennel Cough - Symptoms, Treatment and Contagion

The  canine infectious tracheobronchitis  , more commonly known as "kennel cough", is a condition that affects the respiratory system and usually develops in places where a wide number of dogs, such as kennels or breeding. This fact was the one that gave rise to the popular name of the affection. Formerly, this disease occurred only in those kennels or kennels with inadequate hygienic conditions. However, with the increase in animal protection, abandoned pet shelters, dog walkers, dog shows, and, in general, places where a large number of dogs are concentrated. The pathology has spread more rapidly due to its high contagion rate, and not so much due to inappropriate conditions. If you suspect that your dog has been infected, keep reading this article and discover the  symptoms and treatment of kennel cough  . What is canine infectious tracheobronchitis? Kennel cough is a highly contagious  viral  disease that is usually caused by the parainfluenza virus (PIC). Or canine adeno

Reverse Sneezing in Dogs - Causes, Treatment and Care

The  reverse sneezing in dogs  is a disorder that can occur in our dogs, being very striking and disturbing because it seems that the dog is about to drown. There are many doubts among the tutors who observe it, mainly about how to act. Precisely for this reason, in this Scoobydog article we will explain what a reverse sneeze is in dogs, what are the  causes that cause it , the treatment that the veterinarian can prescribe, or how to care for a dog that suffers from it. Read on to find out everything: Dog sneeze When our dog sneezes, surely, he is not sneezing for the reasons that we normally attribute, since it is  not usually the same causes  that cause human sneezes that cause canines. The most common reasons we sneeze include allergies, sinusitis, or colds. On the contrary, sneezing in dogs is usually caused by the presence of foreign bodies in their noses, mites, and dust. If we go to more worrying causes, there may be a tumor in the area and there may even be episodes of sneezing

Dog Skin Allergies

One of the most common medical complaints we see in our office is dogs with skin infections, "hot spots" or allergic dermatitis, also known as atopic dermatitis (atopy), so if you want to know  how to cure Dog Skin Allergies  , you should keep reading this post. Dog Skin Allergies Unlike people who react to allergens most commonly with nasal symptoms and / or hives, dogs react with skin and / or gastrointestinal problems. This is because there is a higher proportion of mast cells, which release histamines and other vasoactive substances in the face of an allergic challenge, in the skin of dogs. These problems can range from poor coat texture or hair length, to itching and chewing, to hot spots and self-mutilation, gastrointestinal pain and discomfort, diarrhea and flatulence. Allergies can also play a role in chronic ear infections. Intradermal skin tests can also be done. In this test method, a small amount of antigen is injected into a shaved part of the dog's skin. Thi

What vegetables can dogs eat?

Are you one of those who thinks that any food is good for dogs? Well, you are very wrong.  There is a wide variety of foods, but especially vegetables, that can be consumed by man's best friend  . However, there are some that should be avoided at all costs, so in this post we tell you which vegetables dogs can eat and which ones cannot. If found in their natural habitat, dogs would feed only on meat, as we are talking about a carnivorous animal  . In addition, this food provides them with all the vitamins and nutrients that vegetables and fruits have. As in this case it is about  domestic dogs  that cannot hunt, we must be careful with the type of food that we provide them. The ideal is to provide them with a balanced diet consisting of feed, fruits and vegetables, but do you want to know which ones are appropriate? Here we explain  which vegetables dogs can eat and which ones cannot  . Table of contents What vegetables can dogs eat? Celery Spinach Peas and green beans  Cabbage and

What fruits can dogs eat?

Did you know that dogs can eat fruit too? And it's not just that they can, they should eat them! They provide you with a  multitude of nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial  to your health, so ... why not include them in your diet? Read on to find out which fruits dogs can eat and which ones they like the most. As you already know, fruits  are not only delicious but also very healthy . And this is so for you as well as for your furry. Just as we try to increase our consumption of fruits and vegetables in the diet, we should also do it with our pet. Its benefits are incredible but we must take into account which ones are good for them and which ones are better to avoid. In addition, we must also have possible allergies, so we recommend that you gradually incorporate each fruit; offers a new one every day to be able to detect if it feels bad and easily knows what fruit it was. What fruits can dogs eat and what are their benefits? There are a lot of options to include in your fur

PROBIOTICS FOR DOGS What are they and what diseases do they cure

Every day they are more fashionable. For some time now, everyone talks about them, and even dog food brands begin to add them in their formulas. But  do you know what probiotics are for dogs and   what are they for? We are going to know its function, and what beneficial effects it has on the health of our dogs. Table of contents The importance of a healthy intestinal flora The best probiotics for dog The most complete: probiotics plus prebiotics and digestive enzymes In chewy format In individual bags Probiotics for dog with diarrhea What are probiotics for dog?  Do you know how they work? Benefits of probiotics in dogs How to manage them  How long should I use probiotic for dog? Types of probiotics for dog The importance of a healthy intestinal flora Millions of bacteria  and small organisms inhabit the  organism of dogs  and also of people . Many of them are found in the mouth, small intestine and especially  the large intestine and colon. We all know that there are  "bad bacter