What vegetables can dogs eat?
Are you one of those who thinks that any food is good for dogs? Well, you are very wrong. There is a wide variety of foods, but especially vegetables, that can be consumed by man's best friend . However, there are some that should be avoided at all costs, so in this post we tell you which vegetables dogs can eat and which ones cannot.

If found in their natural habitat, dogs would feed only on meat, as we are talking about a carnivorous animal . In addition, this food provides them with all the vitamins and nutrients that vegetables and fruits have.
As in this case it is about domestic dogs that cannot hunt, we must be careful with the type of food that we provide them. The ideal is to provide them with a balanced diet consisting of feed, fruits and vegetables, but do you want to know which ones are appropriate? Here we explain which vegetables dogs can eat and which ones cannot .
Table of contents
- What vegetables can dogs eat?
- Vegetables that dogs cannot eat
What vegetables can dogs eat?
It is true that dog food has the quality and all the proteins, minerals and fats that these animals need. However, being processed foods, they can sometimes lack other nutrients, such as antioxidants or fiber. The short-term lack of these components can harm the health of our pet.
Sure you have heard how beneficial it is for humans to consume foods rich in antioxidants to prevent premature aging, but did you know that these foods are also very important for dogs?
The absence of antioxidants in dogs does not cause wrinkles, but it does manifest itself in cellular lesions that can affect their immune system and cause the appearance of degenerative diseases, cancer or cardiovascular diseases.
Likewise, fiber helps dogs prevent constipation and keep the digestive system healthy , as long as it is supplied correctly. The best way to do this is through natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Among the vegetables that dogs can eat and that are also good for them we can highlight:
This vegetable is very beneficial for dogs; yes, in limited quantities, well chopped and washed. It is a great natural antioxidant and is vital to maintain the health of our dog in good condition.
The celery is digestive , strengthens the immune system , is anti - inflammatory and diuretic . It is a highly recommended vegetable for dogs suffering from arthritis , as it helps reduce pain in their bones. One way to give your dogs celery is through juices or in its natural version once a month.
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They are an excellent vegetable that helps the correct intestinal transit of our dog thanks to their high fiber content. Also is a vegetable rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, and F. The best way to provide this green vegetable to our pet is raw, chopped, and well washed.
Peas and green beans
These are other vegetables that dogs can eat. They have antioxidant properties, digestive, energy and are rich in vitamins A and C . They are very effective in feeding dogs but in moderate amounts.
Cabbage and lettuce
Both are abundant in antioxidants , iron and have cleansing and analgesic properties for dogs. It is important to wash and chop these foods well to avoid suffocation in our pet.
It is ideal, especially for dogs suffering from constipation, It has antioxidant and diuretic components and is rich in fiber. It should be included in the dog's diet always chopped, peeled, and without seeds.
It is one of the best vegetables that dogs can eat for its cleansing , antioxidant and digestive properties. In addition, it is an excellent ally to strengthen the teeth of these animals.
Sweet potato
It is one of the favorite tubers of dogs for its sweet touch. Moreover, it is rich in beta - carotene, vitamin B6 and C .
It is a vegetable highly desired by dogs, especially in summer, due to its high liquid content . An idea to give your pet cucumber is to mix it with some yogurt without sugar or lactose. To lick your mustaches!
This vegetable is good for the body of dogs thanks to its high content of vitamins A, C, E and K . It has healing properties, strengthens the bones, vision and teeth of the animal.
Vegetables that dogs cannot eat
Now that you know what vegetables a dog can eat, it is also important that you know those that you should not give him under any circumstances, especially in large quantities, since they can be harmful to his health:
- Garlic : Containing thiosulfate can cause lethargy, tachycardia, hyperventilation and other consequences in dogs.
- Onion : Like garlic, leeks and chives, it has a high content of thiosulfate, which causes the destruction of white and red blood cells, producing anemia in dogs.
- Tomato : This vegetable is not digestible by dogs and can cause severe stomach pain.
- Mushrooms : Dogs do not tolerate all fungi, and mushrooms are one of them.
- Avocado : This has among its components a toxin called persin that is highly harmful to dogs, since some of them are allergic to it and, when consumed, they can suffer respiratory difficulties and digestive problems.
- Potato: Has an alkaloid called solanine that can cause vomiting, nausea, seizures and subsequent heart problems in dogs.
- Rhubarb : The stems and leaves of this tuber can reduce calcium levels in dogs; This can lead to kidney problems and other health problems.
Pay close attention to the food that you are offering to your furry. Now that you know what vegetable dogs can eat and what properties they provide, you can include them in their diet to support their health. These tips and good consultation with a specialist, in case you still have doubts, will be decisive for the digestive health of your pet. He will thank you!