
Showing posts from September, 2020

How to remove ticks from a dog

With spring, walks get longer, parks fill up with new smells, but your dog's archenemy also returns: the tick. Here's How to remove ticks from a dog! With spring, ticks return The arrival of summer brings with it many things that your  dog  was anxiously waiting for. The days get longer and with them the walks, the parks are filled with flowers and interesting smells and running in the meadows is even more fun. But there is also something that neither you nor your dog missed: the  tick  ! These parasites lurk on plants and twigs and then drop onto your  dog  and grab onto his furry coat with a bite. Thanks to the rostrum - the mouth of the  tick - they manage to penetrate the skin and start sucking blood. Your puppy does not notice anything at the moment, because the bite of this parasite is not painful, but it subsequently suffers the effects: from the painful itch to the risk of being infected by  diseases that the tick carries  on each of its prey. After every walk or when 

Why dogs lick their paws

Before looking for a solution, it's a good idea to understand when and why your dog licks its paws repeatedly. The behavior of a dog licking its paws could be completely normal or hide a more important problem. The act of licking a paw from time to time can be normal. After all, even a dog likes to keep himself clean, albeit in a lesser way than a cat. But what to do if the dog licks his paws repeatedly?  In this case, this could mean that the dog is experiencing discomfort or even pain. The causes of which must be found as soon as possible. The only one who can give a definitive explanation is the veterinarian. From which one must therefore go if this behavior becomes obsessive, because the causes could be of various kinds. 5 reasons why dogs lick their paws At least 5 explanations can be identified for this strange dog behavior. Each of these is generally linked to other factors, which must be kept in mind to understand if it is a problem or not. The dog licks its paws to clean i

What to do when the dog growls at the owner

Don't feel guilty if your dog growls at you - find out why and how to fix it! What to do when the dog growls at the owner When the dog growls When a  dog growls at the owner  , it is easy  for the owner to  immediately feel guilty and start wondering where he went wrong if he has a clear conscience. If you are in this situation and you are asking yourself this question, we will answer you immediately: it is likely that you have done absolutely nothing "wrong", you just need to be able to find a way to communicate with the dog! The  growl of the dog  is first of all a form of communication, in particular it is a  warning  . If you react by scolding the animal, it will likely attack directly the next time it finds itself in the same situation, judging the previous warning ineffective. On the other hand, even showing fear or not reacting to growling of the dog  risks worsening the situation, putting him in a position of domination that he will hardly want to give up. When 

How to cool your dog in the summer

When the temperatures rise, it's time to protect your furry friend! How to cool your dog in the summer The risks of heat for dogs Well yes: even  dogs suffer from the heat  . With the arrival of summer and, in general, with the increase in temperatures, it is time to learn how to  protect your dog from the heat  : refreshing him is not a simple cuddle, it is a necessary attention for his health. In this article we will discover together all the tricks to make sure you  refresh your dog  and make him have a happy summer. First, however, it is important to clarify that taking care of your pets during the summer can literally save their lives: that of a  heatstroke. it is a serious risk which, in the most serious cases, can even lead to death if not managed correctly. To avoid this, the most obvious attentions are not enough, such as  not leaving the dog locked in the car in the sun  , but you must learn to know all the symptoms of overheating and dehydration. Dogs suffer from heat: t

Is your dog stressed out? Here's what to do!

There are many possible causes of stress for a dog: let's find out how to recognize the symptoms and solve the problem! If your dog is stressed Have you ever thought that you punished your  dog  for things he had no control over? Sometimes it happens to mistake the  symptoms of stress  for behaviors to correct and it is certainly not for lack of love towards your furry friend: there are many factors that we do not notice that can be a cause for  nervousness for your dog  . Also read : how to train your dog Tight times for walks, noises, the inability to move freely and run, meeting other dogs with a leash limit, long hours spent indoors alone, for example, can make the  dog stressed. . The dog, in fact, is forced to adapt to the commitments and changes in the life of the human companion, such as the presence of new members in the family, removals or trips for holidays . In addition, the owner's nervousness and emotional state are reflected in the animal and are perceived more t

Why do cats blow?

Fear, anger, or mysterious reasonsand ,Why do cats blow? ? Let's find out why cats blow and how to avoid it! Why do cats blow? The  cats  are adorable and very soft fur balls, but when  blow  can do really scared! Anyone who has a cat knows how expressive he can be: he can make you understand exactly what he wants and what happens to him with a simple look and some specific meow. You can easily understand if he is happy, if he is hungry, if he wants to play or if he is offended and generally his attitudes are very funny. However, when a  cat blows  everything changes suddenly and becomes more complicated: the cat no longer appears so tender and it is evident that it is feeling a strong discomfort, but for what? Could it be anger? Fear? Nervousness? Understanding  why a cat hisses  is by no means straightforward. In general, if yours cat blows  means that he is experiencing a mixture of fear, confusion, surprise and unhappiness and therefore reacts instinctively: the  blow  is in fa

How to make cat and dog get along

Why choose between purring and wagging tails when you can enjoy both? Here are all the secrets for a happy coexistence between dog and cat! Dog and cat: coexistence (im) possible "You two are like  cat and dog  " doesn't mean anything good. The innate hostility between man's best friend and the most cuddly feline on earth is even proverbial. Is it really not possible to  have cat and dog stay together  without destroying family serenity? By tradition,  dogs and cats do not get along particularly well but, as they are also the most common pets in Italy, it is easy for them to have to live together, so the problem becomes being able to make them feel good together. It all depends on instinct: the dog sees that furry and snappy animal and identifies it as prey, starting to fidget, while the cat finds himself in front of what for him is often an agitated colossus and reacts with hostility. Still, we assure you that  getting cat and dog to get along  is not only possible,

How to teach your dog not to bark

Your dog has every right to bark but how to Teach your dog not to bark ? If he does it all the time, however, it can be a problem for you and for him: here's what to do! If your dog is always barking Let's clarify one thing first:  a dog has every right to bark  , even the law says so! Therefore, intolerant neighbors from all over the world have to put their minds in peace, some "bau" is more than legitimate. However, if your  dog barks continuously,  there is probably a problem that goes beyond any annoyance. Understanding the source of this problem and being able to fix it. Will allow both you and him to feel more comfortable, so it's worth understanding  why your dog is always barking  and  how to stop it  . Also Read What to keep in mind when geting a pet You will probably need to be patient and it may take some time, but it is possible to  teach your dog not to bark excessively and in any situation. There are many reasons why he does this: from  stress  to

What Are The Best Dog Breeds For Children

All dogs are great, but  not all dogs are the same so we have some dog breeds . These animals have been  selected over time  to help us perform  different tasks  . Thus, physical and behavioral differences were established according to the races. We must be aware that the selection made to get those dogs that better meet one or other needs (herding, hunting, companionship ...), make the different breeds have different behaviors. There are many benefits of having a dog for children as we explain in  our article on the benefits of having a dog for children  . In theory,  any dog ​​can get along well with children, although it is true that we must choose well  the  dog  that we take home and be willing to proceed with their education appropriately  . However, some breeds have characteristics that generally make them more optimal for living with children. It is important that,  before bringing a dog to your home, you inform yourself well about the characteristics of the breed and carefull

Who Is Most Strongest Dog In The World ?

Dogs and humans have been living together for ages and now we can’t live without one another. Dogs are amazing companions and great pets. They are active, loyal and strong. They are our best friends and to them we are everything. They love us more than we love them. A dog is someone who will save your life before his. However, there are different kinds of dogs in the world. Some are small, some are giant, and some are little like pugs and some are super strong like pit bulls. If you have ever wanted to know about the strongest dogs in the world, this list is for you. Here we have mentioned the top 10 World’s Strongest Dogs. Feel free to share this with your friends who love dogs as much as yourself. 1. Mastiff The Mastiff is a breed of large dog. National kennel clubs, including the United Kingdom's Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club, refer to the breed as simply the Mastiff. The Mastiff was archaically referred to as the Old English Mastiff.  Wikipedia Life expectancy: 6 – 1

Pomeranian: Characteristics, History, Care Tips, and Helpful Information for Pet Owners

The  Pomeranian (Pomeranian)  counts itself among the small dogs to those with particularly low height. It grows to a maximum of 22 centimeters, but the tiny one has it all. Anyone who buys a Miniature Spitz gets an extremely lively companion who is both affectionate and independent. He always seems to be on the move, which is why he would like to be busy always and everywhere. He is also a very loyal and devoted dog who prefers to spend the entire time with his people. It is therefore all the more important to teach him from an early age to spend a few hours alone, because the Pomeranian does not appreciate that so much because of its fixation on humans. He loves to play and always learn new tricks with which he can please his or her mistress. This makes the pomeranian one of the dog breeds that are particularly easy to train and learn very quickly. However, owners of this lively fellow should not be particularly sensitive to noise, as the pomeranian likes to bark often. On the one ha