How to remove ticks from a dog
With spring, walks get longer, parks fill up with new smells, but your dog's archenemy also returns: the tick. Here's How to remove ticks from a dog! With spring, ticks return The arrival of summer brings with it many things that your dog was anxiously waiting for. The days get longer and with them the walks, the parks are filled with flowers and interesting smells and running in the meadows is even more fun. But there is also something that neither you nor your dog missed: the tick ! These parasites lurk on plants and twigs and then drop onto your dog and grab onto his furry coat with a bite. Thanks to the rostrum - the mouth of the tick - they manage to penetrate the skin and start sucking blood. Your puppy does not notice anything at the moment, because the bite of this parasite is not painful, but it subsequently suffers the effects: from the painful itch to the risk of being infected by diseases that the tick carr...